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Countering the Mass Shooter

Today, many would agree, we ARE living in turbulent times. 

What might be the next threat to our families, our community, our work place, even our safe haven, our home.

Who will protect and defend those we love and cherish, if we are unable to do so ourselves?

Our law enforcement officers, the brave men and women of our first responders and military! Yes these brave and self sacrificing ones are there for our greater good. And I personally thank them for being there.


Resources are scarce, what if, in our time of distress, the unthinkable happens, that our rescuers, our protectors and our defenders, are to far away to get to us fast enough or that they are already engaged, dealing with a pre-existing emergency?


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How many times do we encounter images similar to the one above? Weapons from crime scenes, police raids, or my worst nightmare ... an active shooter, targeting innocent people, going about the daily lives. Be that at work, the shopping mall, church, a social situation, or worse still an educational facility.

WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, if you found yourself in such a situation?


Is there are right answer?  But the answer to that question all depends on the situation at hand. So how could we know the right and wrong answers?

During the Countering the Mass Shooter course, multiple options will be considered, different possible scenarios will be evaluated, suggestion on the best course of action depending on the situation confronting you, you will be educated in the course of action you or your loved ones, your colleagues, your community, could initiate to provide the best possible outcome, should such a situation ever develop in your vicinity.

Forewarned is forearmed.






Be Safe, Be Well, Get Trained. I did.




© 2020 FaST Firearm Safety Training

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